Above-the-Guidelines Child Support for HNW and UHNW Individuals
Child support calculators are designed to work for incomes ranging from upper-middle class to below the federal poverty level. The formulas cease to work when incomes exceed a certain amount per month. When your income exceeds your state’s child support ceiling, the court has discretion to make an “upward deviation” and require additional child support beyond the maximum obligation in the child support calculator.
Executive Compensation and Divorce
C-suite executives often receive a variety of compensation packages beyond traditional salary and bonuses. An expert is often needed to find and value compensation plans in a divorce involving a business executive.
Business Valuation
Business interests and investments are things of value and assets subject to valuation and division in a divorce. Business valuation is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and skill.
Forensic Accounting
The Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) designation from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. A CFE is widely recognized as a leading credential in the field of fraud detection and prevention.
Social Security and Divorce
In a divorce, it's important to consider the availability and nature of Social Security benefits resulting from the marriage.
Dividing Retirement Accounts
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is a legal document that tells a retirement plan administrator how to divide retirement benefits between two people who were married.
Why File First?
The most important reason to file first is that the person who files first almost always gets to speak first in court.
The Unfairness of Emergencies
There are two major reasons that the damage from an unfair one-sided communication can’t be corrected simply by giving the other side a chance to speak and be heard later.
“How Can They Do That?
The most frustrating part of litigation, especially family law, is also the most difficult thing for attorneys to deal with and explain: how one party can behave unfairly and “get away with it,” even temporarily.
Emergency Custody
To request emergency custody of a child, the person seeking the emergency must be able to show that an emergency order is necessary because the child is in harm's way and will likely be irreparably harmed if the emergency is not granted.
Establish Winning Facts
All legal disputes are ultimately about facts. For any fact that is important to a case, there is more value establishing that fact through the opposing party than proving that same exact fact through you, the client.
Understanding Child Custody Experts in High Conflict Cases
In contested, high conflict cases involving children, sometimes professionals are designated to work with the parents and children. Child custody experts may be appointed at the request of a parent, or the judge can appoint one or more experts even if the parents do not request an expert. Child custody professionals are supposed to be neutral, meaning they work for the interests of the children or the court, and not for either parent.
Making Voluntary Disclosures
Evidence for each case should be organized and prepared for disclosure to the other side.
Ideals versus Reality
We are hyper-aware and equipped to deal with the lowest level of gamesmanship and deception that the opposition can muster. In every case, we work to provide our clients with the best private resolution possible. When we are in court, we make the strongest case possible, uncompromised by the status quo, local politics, or substandard practices.
Best Interests
A parent involved in a custody or visitation case should focus on child-centered facts that will help the judge make the right decision. When available, independent, objective evidence, such as photographs, records, grades, and written communication, can bolster a parent’s case for custody.
Half of Your Half
This example illustrates why it is in your interest to hire experienced legal counsel as early as possible to help you avoid expensive and stressful scenarios like this one. It also shows that if divorce is imminent, it’s important to move forward proactively.
Custody, Visitation, and Child Support Basics
There are many myths and misconceptions about custody, visitation, and child support. Unfortunately, many of the misunderstandings were created and have been perpetuated by legal professionals. Here, we clean up the terminology and explain basic concepts.
Prenuptial Agreements
A premarital (also known as a prenuptial or antenuptial) agreement is a practical solution that provides security and peace of mind, as well as a very public declaration that you’re both marrying for love, rather than financial gain.
Discovery Sanctions
When a party violates discovery rules, the court may impose sanctions to compel compliance or punish the misconduct. Trial courts have broad discretion to impose sanctions on parties or attorneys who violate discovery orders.