
Strategy, Trial, Experts Aaron Bundy Strategy, Trial, Experts Aaron Bundy

Why Hire an Expert

Expert witnesses are key players in legal disputes, providing critical insights that help courts understand complex issues. Selecting an expert witness with the right qualifications is vital. The credibility of their testimony depends on their expertise and experience. Expert witnesses must have the necessary credentials and experience relevant to the case at hand.

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Trial, Evidence Aaron Bundy Trial, Evidence Aaron Bundy

How to Put Evidence Together for a Family Law Case

Text messages and emails can be important evidence in family law cases. There are apps that can be used to export text messages and emails to PDF format. Photos, videos, and audio recordings should be printed and saved on USB flash drives for use in court.

It is important to keep a record of parenting time, including when each parent has the child and when the other parent does not exercise their parenting time. Notes about parenting time and other events should be made close to the time they happened.

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