Why Hire an Expert
Expert witnesses are key players in legal disputes, providing critical insights that help courts understand complex issues. Selecting an expert witness with the right qualifications is vital. The credibility of their testimony depends on their expertise and experience. Expert witnesses must have the necessary credentials and experience relevant to the case at hand.
Executive Compensation and Divorce
C-suite executives often receive a variety of compensation packages beyond traditional salary and bonuses. An expert is often needed to find and value compensation plans in a divorce involving a business executive.
Business Valuation
Business interests and investments are things of value and assets subject to valuation and division in a divorce. Business valuation is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and skill.
Forensic Accounting
The Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) designation from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. A CFE is widely recognized as a leading credential in the field of fraud detection and prevention.
Custody, Visitation, and Child Support Basics
There are many myths and misconceptions about custody, visitation, and child support. Unfortunately, many of the misunderstandings were created and have been perpetuated by legal professionals. Here, we clean up the terminology and explain basic concepts.
Experts in Child Custody Cases
In contested, high conflict cases involving children, sometimes professionals are designated to work with the parents and children.